

I'm a software engineer with a sharp eye for UX and design, meticulous attention to detail, and a relentless focus on quality.

Skilled in Vue, Nuxt, and full-stack TypeScript, I turn ideas into refined, user-friendly experiences. I'm driven by a deep curiosity and a passion for UX/UI design, developer experience, and writing clean, maintainable code.

Beyond code, I'm obsessed with Bitcoin and a strong advocate for the right to privacy, freedom of speech, self-sovereignty, and open-source software. I'm also deeply interested in economics, cryptography, psychology, and literature.

Tech stack

On a regular basis, I work with Vue, Nuxt, TypeScript, Pinia, Tailwind, VueUse, Vue Router, Vite, Vitest, GraphQL, Apollo and pnpm.

I also semi-regularly use Tanstack Query, Storybook, Radix UI and Playwright.

On my own projects, I usually stick to the Vue ecosystem, with Tailwind or UnoCSS for styling, often pairing them with shadcn or Nuxt UI for UI components.

On the backend, I primarily use Node or Bun, with Nitro or Hono as web frameworks, and an SQL database with Drizzle or Prisma. For scripting and CLI tools, it's usually just Bun, less often Deno.

I also have some experience building projects with React, Quasar, or vanilla JavaScript, along with some smaller projects using Svelte. I’ve also built backends and APIs using Nest.js and Express.

Some notable libraries I enjoy working with are: Zod, VeeValidate, date-fns, ESLint, ofetch, h3, bitcoinjs-lib, Headless UI, Mantine.

On my radar

I haven't explored Astro and SolidJS as much as I probably should, and I really want to improve my animation skills—I've been putting off learning GSAP and Motion for far too long.

Beyond web

Outside of web dev, Python is my go-to language. I'm definitely a bit rusty, but I'm starting to pick it up again. Occasionally I use Bash for scripting, though it often ends up with ChatGPT doing it for me.

I worked extensively with Java during my college years but haven't touched it in a while. I experimented with Solidity a few years ago, but later realized there was no future in . More recently, I've been exploring ReScript, a statically-typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript.

In the future, I'd love to explore functional programming, particularly Elixir or OCaml.